When your grilling with friends and family the last thing you want is to prepare a complicated side dish. Well, this super simple bok choy or bok choi is the perfect complement for whatever you are grilling. The best is part most of the prep is done ahead of time.
For those of you that may be wondering yes this dish is clean keto, just watch your portion size.

Choice of bok choy
I prefer to use dwarf bok choy. They are tender, cook quickly, and are a lot cutter on the plate. If you do use the full-size bok choi cook the white part and green part separately.
White or green bok choy? Both are good choices for grilling I prefer the white ones, they are a little sweeter. But they are not as easy to find as the green ones (Shanghai bok choi). Both of them work great.
When you buy your bok choy make sure they look fresh and are not full of sand.

I like to split the dwarf one in half and give them a good wash. If your using bigger ones cut them into smaller pieces. Shake off the excess moister and let them air dry. Just before cooking we will add oil, remember oil and water do not mix.
If using the full-size bok choy remove the green parts and set them aside. Separate the white steams so you can cook them individually. This will let them get tender enough to enjoy.
Preheat your grill. You can use any grill that you have gas, electric, or charcoal. I prefer charcoal but I will not talk trash about your grill.
After the grill is hot toss your bok choy with olive oil and salt. Do not do this ahead of time or the salt will draw out moisture. We want to grill them not pickle them.

After tossing with oil and salt add the bok choi to the grill root side closest to the fire. The white part needs to cook longer than the green part. When they have a nice char on one side give them a flip. Char the other side and they are done.
This batch took about five minutes. First I cooked my steaks moved them to the side and cooked the bok choi.
You should also check out this great stuffed eggplant parmesan recipe by Kathy.

If you’re enjoyed this recipe please share it with your friends.

- 1 pound Bok choy
- 2 Tablespoons Olive oil
- 1 pinch salt
- Cut the baby bok choy in half and give them a good wash. Shake off excess water and let them air dry.
- Pre heat your grill.
- When the grill is ready toss the bok choy with olive oil and a pinch of salt.
- Place the bok choy on the grill, root side closest to the fire.
- After the bok choy gets some char on one side give them a flip and char the other side. T